【Traditional】Seiho Chakai
令和元年、元号が永く続きながらも移り変わる様に、金沢を次の世代に「つなげる」。茶道裏千家今日庵業躰 奈良宗久師監修の下、金沢の伝統を守りつつ、これからの伝統を繋ぐ若い世代の作家の方々の器などを使った清新なお席を演出。金沢JC茶道同好会「青宝会」が席主を務める。
Just as the first year of the Reiwa Era represents the ever changing passage of the eras, so will it bridge Kanazawa and its new generation. This is an innovative tea ceremony, featuring vessels created by young artists who will lead the next generation while protecting Kanazawa's traditions. Supervision provided by Sokyu Nara,.Urasenke Konnichian Deputy Tea Master.