
工芸祭を彩るコンテンツ hilights of kanazawa 21st century KOGEI festival


through the arts and crafts, enjoy strolling through town, and indulge in delicious food. At this arts and crafts festival, you will find a wide range of enjoyable content that conveys the various appeals and charms of Kanazawa, including art and craftwork, food, and the townscape.

メインイベント main events of kanazawa 21st century KOGEI festival

  • 趣膳食彩

    趣膳食彩 shuzen shokusai


    この日限りのプレミアムな響宴 a premium feast for one day only


    a feast featuring the food culture and industrial arts Kanazawa takes pride in. The group of directors has deep understanding of the city of Kanazawa, and coordinates the works of industrial artists, food, and the space itself with a distinctive aesthetic. Enjoy the premium world created especially for this day with all five of your sense at this once in a lifetime composite art.

  • 工芸回廊

    工芸回廊 KOGEI KAIRO


    町家に広がる工芸の世界 The world of industrialarts unfolds
    in merchant houses


    This exhibition event is held in Higashiyama and two other areas in the city with their own unique character. The use of an atypical exhibition space lends a new kind of appeal to the artwork displayed. You can also experience the diversity of the city by visiting the different locations, and even interact with the artists and gallery owners.

  • 金沢みらい茶会



    伝統と現代それぞれの茶道 Traditional and modern tea ceremony


    This is an event perfectly suited to Kanazawa, with its deep-rooted connections to tea ceremony culture. Featuring two major themes for tea ceremony seating, traditional and contemporary. The latter features architects and creative professionals as tea masters, and the hosts interpret the teachings in their own way to form a unique style of hospitality.

  • 金沢みらい工芸部



    本物を知る 工芸ワークショップ An industrial art workshop
    for learning about the real thing


    Visitors from a wide range of demographics from children to adults can all participate in this workshop. In addition to experiencing the traditional industrial arts of Ishikawa for yourself, this program also features vicarious experiences where creative professionals share the concepts they put into creating their work, giving participants a sense of closeness to artwork.

  • 金沢アートスペースリンク

    金沢アートスペースリンク kanazawa art space link


    アートが誘う金沢の路地巡り An artistic journey through Kanazawa's small streets

    金沢市近郊のギャラリーやアートスペースが連携する企画。それぞれの傾向によりアートスペースを3グールプに分類、 グループごとに金沢アートグミにて展示を行う。展示に併せて展覧会情報、コラム等を掲載したタブロイドを発行し、金沢の美術シーンを俯瞰する。

    this project is held in cooperation with the galleries and art spaces in kanazawa and the suburbs. the art spaces are divided into three groups based on artistic direction, and each group holds an exhibition at ART GUMMI GALLERY. in addition to the exhibitions, a newspaper featuring exhibition information, columns, and more is published, providing an overview of the kanazawa art scene.

共催イベント cosponsor events of kanazawa 21st century KOGEI festival

  • 復活窪市

    復活窪市 Kuboichiototsurugigu shrine market


    once upon a time,the grounds of a shrine was sa lively public space and regional center. The festival is held there in continued support of the surrounding community.

  • ART_Cafe@金沢尾張町

    ART_Cafe@金沢尾張町 Art_Cafe@Kanazawa Owaricho



    Enjoy Kanazawa-city with all five senses.The installation named "Kanazawa-Eizo-Fushi-Kukan"shows beauty of Kanazawa with movie and music,produced by versatile multimedia artist, Hirotoh Morikawa. Food menus are available using local products prepared by food director,Megumi Takabatake.

関連イベント related events of kanazawa 21st century KOGEI festival

  • KOGEIかなざわ2016

    工芸とデザインの境目 The Boundary between Kogei and Design

  • KOGEIかなざわ2016

    KOGEI フェスタ! KOGEI Festa!

  • KOGEIかなざわ2016

    第3回 金沢・世界工芸トリエンナーレ 3rd Triennale of Kogei in Kanazawa

  • 工芸とアートの金沢オークション kanazawa auction for Kôgei and Art