
建築は、地域性と場所の読み解きから。 緻密な計画が、そこに 「在る」ことを自然にする。 Architecture begins with understanding characteristic of region and place. Carefully planning is what makes “there” become natural.


金沢21世紀工芸祭 kanazawa 21st CENTURY kogei festival


Take schools, for example. The motif for these school buildings are the storage sheds for festival carts that are paraded around the region. Each room has a different scene awaiting students as they move up the grades. The courtyard is designed to foster natural communication between students and teachers.

Works of Ura Architects & Engineerings shows what is possible with an understanding of the characteristics of region and place.This masterpiece is the Noto Engekido situated in the city of Nanao in Ishikawa Prefecture. Born from the desire of actor and head of actor school Mumeijuku, Tatsuya Nakadai, to build a theater in Noto, Ura Architects & Engineerings has a sliding door situated on the back wall of the stage—a rare sight in Japan. The door opens to the outdoors, revealing Noto’s natural scenery, with its history of a thousand years. Background melts into foreground to produce a mystical space.

To prevent the outside air from flowing in when the door is opened, a silent air curtain was installed to maintain the air conditioning in the room. The “theater” here is something only possible from the efforts of the many different specialists at Ura Architects & Engineerings working together on design, construction and equipment. The building’s ability to withstand harsh humidity, snowfall, cold and other natural conditions of the Hokuriku area is another testament to the establishment’s vigor. And a long trail of competition victories and architecture awards tells a sure story of the quality of their architecture.


The pursuit of the optimal form. The form comes unawares, giving birth to new dreams.

Architecture is part of what weaves a city together. Architecture is not a standalone form—architecture makes cities and cities in turn make architecture. These constructions must support the constant comings and goings of people; designers have a big responsibility.

They must establish harmony within the space, deciding what goes where. Ironically, the space’s function and synergy with its surroundings receive less and less attention with increased excellence, but it is also for this reason that architecture requires the most detailed of planning. When making buildings, Ura Architects & Engineerings’s style is to have newcomers and veterans join together to construct one, complete plan. They believe this approach is even more important when it comes to public construction meant to be used by everyone. Each member adds unique qualities, producing countless sketches and CG designs, making models, and carrying out heated debates in search for the final form. Then comes the “aha” moment.

Therein lies a new “dream” beyond the client’s imagination. In order to produce “good architecture” that brings happiness to the people and blends into the city. Ura Architects & Engineerings pours its all into its architecture on a daily basis.

株式会社 浦建築研究所

株式会社 浦建築研究所

