南 絢子
Ayako Minami
1984 石川県生まれ
2002 父、南繁正のもと家業に従事
2007 石川県立九谷焼技術研修所実習科造形専攻学科 修了
2008 京都工芸ビエンナーレ 日本経済新聞社賞
第55回日本伝統工芸展 入選(以後8回)
2010 第51回石川の伝統工芸展 入選(以後7回)
2011 第67回金沢市工芸展 入選(以後2回)
第73回一水会陶芸部公募展 一水会佳作賞
2012 金沢卯辰山工芸工房 修了
2013 第36回伝統九谷焼工芸展 技術賞(石川県立美術館所蔵)
2014 第37回伝統九谷焼工芸展 優秀賞
第2回陶美展 入選
第55回石川の伝統工芸展 奨励賞
2015 第38回伝統九谷焼工芸展 奨励賞
2017 第24回日本陶芸展 入選
第10回現代茶陶展 入選
第2回日本陶磁協会現代陶芸奨励賞 入選
現在 日本工芸会正会員
1984 Born in Ishikawa Prefecture
2002 Engaged in family business under her father MINAMI Shigemasa
2007 Completed Pottery Wheel Shaping Course, Practical Training Department, Ishikawa Prefectural Institute for Kutani Ware
2008 Received the Nikkei Inc. Award at the 2008 Kyoto Kogei Biennale
Selected for the 55th Japan Traditional Art Crafts Exhibition(Held 8 times to date)
2010 Selected for the 51st Ishikawa Traditional Art Crafts Exhibition(Held 7 times to date)
2011 Selected for the 67th Kanazawa Crafts Exhibition(Held 2 times to date)
Received the Issuikai Honourable Mention at the 73rd Issuikai Ceramics Public Exhibition
2012 Completed Kanazawa Utatsuyama Kogei Kobo
2013 Received the Skill Award at the 36th Traditional Kutani Ware Crafts Exhibition; collected by the Ishikawa Prefectural Museum of Art
2014 Received the Excellence Award at the 37th Traditional Kutani Ware Crafts Exhibition
Selected for the 2nd TOBI, the Ceramic Art Society of Japan Exhibition
Received the Incentive Award at the 55th Ishikawa Traditional Art Crafts Exhibition
2015 Received the Incentive Award at the 38th Traditional Kutani Ware Crafts Exhibition
2017 Selected for the 24th Japan Ceramic Art Exhibition
Selected for the 10th Modern Tea Ceramics Exhibition
Selected for the 2nd Modern Ceramics Encouragement Prize Exhibition
Full member, Japan Kogei Association